Specializing as a canine problem solver since 2004, Angie Woods has helped thousands of dogs overcome their fears, phobias, and aggressive behaviors. She developed a knack for working with difficult dogs while running a grooming business, working as a veterinary technician for 17 years, and operating in wildlife rehabilitation.

Angie’s approach to canine behavior is based on a natural, holistic, and instinctual way of thinking. The relationship between people and their dogs is a focal point of her method. She believes that you must address human behaviors and habits before teaching them about their furry companions.

But before Angie could guide people and their dogs toward a happier life, she had to make her own. She grew up in the witness protection program because of her father’s life in crime. Her mother battled addiction. And she was debilitated by a stutter that left her with no confidence.

Through overcoming these challenges, Angie found her strength, and with it, a passion to help others find theirs. Her journey is what inspired her to start the Good Dog Movement — training that helps both people and their dogs.

Angie designed the Good Dog Movement’s online coursework after years of working with dogs at her immersive training facility outside of Atlanta. Through the Good Dog Movement, she offers accessible lessons that are proven to help dogs with high energy, anxiety, and more serious, scary issues.

Angie firmly believes there are no bad dogs. Just good dogs, and dogs who want to know how to be good. Join the movement and create the happy life you and your dog deserve.